Best Friends - Booster

What you get

  • 1 private consultation in joint session with Dr. Pezzini and Dr. Ferrari
  • 10 email replies in a maximum period of 2 months
  • 4 personalized consultations via zoom with Dr. Pezzini
  • 4 personalized consultations via zoom with Dr. Ferrari
  • access to our private facebook group, to share your progress, compare yourself and take inspiration from other participants

Who is it for? 

  • For those who want to improve their dog's behavior
  • For those who have started working with their dog but realize that a piece of the puzzle is missing to achieve their goals
  • For those who want those tricks, tips and tricks that they have not yet found anywhere else

For you Only  295 $

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Order Summary:

Name: Best Friends - Booster

Typology: Meeting Online

Price: 295 $

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